
Red Crew: Fighting the War on Drugs with Reagan’s Coast Guard is a thrilling true-life account of U.S. Coast Guard maritime drug interdiction, search-and-rescue, migrant interdiction, and national defense operations.  Red Crew chronicles the challenges, pressures, failures, and successes of an elite law enforcement terming serving aboard a fleet of high-speed, high-tech cutters, as they face dangerous seas, confront sophisticated smugglers, engage in high-speed chases, and make a bevy of life-and-death decisions.  Red Crew expertly captures the spirit of the Coast Guard men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to protect our nation at sea.


“Gripping! Howe’s non-fiction book detailing the early years of the Coast Guard’s war on drugs reads like a fast paced action novel. His story casts a vivid spotlight on the unsung heroes that played a major role in almost completely stopping ‘at sea’ smuggling during the 1980s. These are tales that have not been told and are well worth the read.”  Master Chief Charles “Skip” Bowen, 10th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard

“Howe narrates, in vivid detail, a stirring tale of small crew dynamics, innovative leadership, and improvisation, as he and his crew battle the threat of smuggling. Red Crew expertly captures the essence of life in the patrol boat fleet and is a thrilling tribute to the men and women who serve our great nation at sea.”  Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr., 24th Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard